Christmas Celebration at Dunder Mifflin – The Office Legacy

The Office

The Christmas is here. The season of food, love and holidays. Maybe the celebration would be far too less compared to the other years due to the Pandemic, the festive soul still finds a way.

Many movies and web-series have depicted Xmas so brilliantly that they have left a permanent mark in our minds. One such series is NBC’s “The Office”. One of the hilarious sitcom, The Office, has several episodes of Christmas celebration at the office of Dunder-Mifflin Scranton Branch.

Benihana Christmas -Season 3

The first Christmas Party happened in Season 3. Michael breaks up with his realtor girlfriend Carol and goes for a lunch outing with his boys, Dwight, Andy, and Jim. The enormous motivational pep-talks by Andy really charges up Michael as he befriends one of the waitresses and brings her along to the office party.

The party planning committee head, Angela, with her annoying superiority complex downplays the suggestions by Pam and Karen. Pam and Karen decide to break free and form their own committee to host parties. The good food and great music find a lot of takers in Stanley and Meredith and the majority.

Moroccan Christmas – Season 5

This is by far the most hilarious Christmas episode ever. Michael turns bar-tender for his employees, mixing liquors and naming them. Jim gets to taste one of the Michael Special, Orange Vod-juice-ka. The stars of the episode are Meredith and Andy. Who can forget the hilarious antics by Meredith eventually leading to catching fire in her hair? What comes next is downright hilarious -Michael drives Meredith to rehab. An inebriated Andy plays Sitaar relentlessly, stops to a terrifying glare by Stanley. The ever sarcastic Jim also does not leave a chance to poke Andy.

Jim: Do you take requests?
Andy: Sure
Jim: Please stop, because we are having a Christmas party.

Secret Santa – Season 6

Season 6 comes with another episode of Christmas Party. Phyllis has asked Jim(The new Co-regional Manager) for permission to become Santa Clause for the Christmas Party. This has made Michael fuming as he came prepared as Santa Clause. All hell breaks loose when Michael asks Kevin for his wishes and Kevin sits in Michael’s lap. Steve Carell, the brilliant actor that he is, literally exhibits exhaustion and suffocation through his expression.

Classy Christmas – Season 7

These two episodes are special for many reasons. Holly comes back to Scranton Branch as a substitute for Toby. Michael goes all out of happiness and organizes a fresh party for Holly’s welcome, canceling the Xmas party. It was such a refreshingly romantic moment when Holly steps in and Michael goes numb momentarily. This is one of those rare episodes where Dwight gets his long-due revenge on Jim. Dwight invites Jim for a snowball duel which does not go well for Jim. Jim is completely flabbergasted by Dwight’s sudden attack from the camouflage of a snowman. In the end, Jim is left terrified owing to the multiple blows he received from Dwight.

The Office has become a part of pop-culture as well as nostalgia for those ever-cherishing loving memories. There are talks that it will come back for a reboot in the coming years. Hope that is true as we will have at least one positive thing to look forward to in the future.

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